Saturday, September 23, 2006

My favorite humor....

Sarcasm, when mixed with truth, is the best funny there is.

I remember watching these two interviews live as they happened. They still make me laugh just as hard.

And again in '98

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just another reason....

.... to dislike Tucker Carlson.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Now THIS is talent in editing....

(In lieu of everyone else in the world dedicating today to be a day to rehash over 9/11, I am abstaining.... well, in lieu of that, and the fact I don't have much to say that hasn't been stated already. Anything I have to say would prolly just be some mindless rant that I don't feel like giving the energy to right now)

As many of my friends would be willing to admit, I'm a big geek. I dig comics, video games, Sci-Fi.... everything just up to RPG, and definitely not LARPING. (Though I had a brief run in with RPG's in my adolesence, thank the maker it didn't grab hold of me!)

About a decade ago, the internet turned me onto reading Fan Fiction, or fanfic if you will. I spent the better part of a weekend perusing different fanfic sites and was pretty much turned off on the idea. Why? Because even though these fans were brilliant enough to put together well written, and thought out stories, they all seemed to have to cross a line.

What line? Sex.

Now before you go thinking that I'm some kind of prude, which I'm sure my friends would just LOVE hearing that somebody thinks I'm a prude, I'm not. Quite the opposite rather.

I just found myself getting angry at reading these stories that could have almost been killer stories turn into some sort of fantasy outlet for some geek to express thier desire to see Scully go down on Mulder, or Skinner, or both.

The worst one was a story that I stumbled upon, was actually a really great story. Until I got about half way thru it. Scully and Mulder were assigned to a mission to keep Krycek in a witness protection program. They were in some secluded cabin or something like that.

Everything was going along nicely, until Mulder decided to manrape Krycek. It was just stupid and unecessary. But I guess it got somebody's rocks off. Good for them.

A few years later, I found out that there was a cult of these fanficers who really felt the need to get Kirk and Spock together. I swear, the pictures people have drawn are so absurd, they are funny.

I'm hoping that the people who put together this little video below are in the same frame of mind as I am in bringing out the absurdity. If not, oh well. I still think it's one of the most brilliant videos I've seen on youtube to date!


(Update.... as if the whole story I read about the Mulder and Krycek manrape scene wasn't bad enough.....

I went looking to see if I could find the story itself to link, and have now discovered that there is an entire genre of Xfiles fanfic dedicated to the subject. Namely "Cabinfic"


Sunday, September 10, 2006

What are the Intergalactic BAC laws?

Be careful when leaving the Mos Eisley cantina! Imperial Stormtroopers have set up a speed trap just out of orbit around Tatooine!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Gotta snap out of it....

I wish I could figure out what's been keeping me in a funk for so long now. I swear its feeling like this has been going on for years now.

I used to be happy, outgoing, creative and fun loving. These days I just feel like a waste of space.

I used to enjoy my work, now it just feels like a meaningless chore I have to suffer thru day by day.

I can't remember the last time I picked up my guitar and just spent the whole afternoon playing it. I can't seem to hold it for more than 15 minutes without it somehow making me feel like a failure.

My sleeping habits are completely blown. I seem to just lay there staring and worrying. After an hour of that I'll turn on the tv and watch some stupid show hoping it will bore me to sleep.

I need to find a way out of this. I've talked to my doc and tried some antidepressants, they seemed to do more harm than good. I've never been one for taking pills anyways.

I don't enjoy talking to my friends about it, because I don't want to bring them down too.

So I guess i'll sit here and wait for my train and whine to my blog about it. Maybe just writing it down can help get it out of my system. Who knows? It can't hurt I guess.

Or maybe its just contributing to the exceedingly enormous anount of whining that already exists on the internet.

Maybe I'm just down because deep in my heart I'm mourning the loss od the crocodile hunter. Though I think I can say with conviction, that's not it. That guy took risks that were so insane, nobody should be surprised he finally got taken out of the mix. The fact that a stingray did him in is so bizzare that its almost funny. Stingray deaths are extremely uncommon.

It would be akin to him dying because of a kitten slicing open his jugular. Ok, so stingrays are more dangerous than kittens, but for the amount of times this guy taunted beasts that could have easily killed him, a stingray may as well be a kitten.

But in the end, I don't really care, its not like the guy owed me money or anything. Sucks that his family has to endure the loss and the unrelenting media coverage, but that's life in the glorious world of discovery channel fame and fortune.

Enough rambling for now, my thumbs are tired. Enjoy your night.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bad Sleep

I ate some weird Mexican meal last night that didn't sit very well with me. I'm not saying that it was bad, it just didn't sit right in my stomach. It was shredded beef, cooked with egg and grilled peppers and onions. It was quite tasty, but sat like a rock in my stomach.

Plus, it screwed up my sleep cycle last night. I crashed around 9:00 instead of going out for the club night. I woke up at 2:00 AM, and wasn't able to fall back asleep.

I watched a couple of shows that the TiVo had recorded for me. Still unable to sleep, I got up and cruised around youtube for awhile. What the hell is wrong with people? Do we need to see another video of someone making an ass out of themselves by trying to lipsync some lame tune on their webcam?

Or a clip of some white trash chicks pulling each other's hair out after school.

How about a clip of some twit crashing his bike / skateboard / atv and then hurting himself ala Jackass? Not that I really mind watching Darwinism in motion, but what pisses me off is the fact that all these morons have to show you the accident, and then try to make it more dramatic by showing it again in slow motion. Fucking asstards.

But there I am, clicking on each one, hoping for it not to suck. Every once in a while I'm suprised, but that is few and far between.

For some reason the fad on the video sites this week are video clips of peoples cats. Not even doing anything funny / cute / stupid. Just walking around. I mean I'm sure it's cute to the animals owner, but why would anyone else want to see it?

These Web2.0 sites have turned the internet into a virtual wallet that we can cram with snapshots and photographs to bore people with.

It's the new equivalent of having a slideshow of your vacation photos that nobody else wants to see. (Ok, I'm guilty of that as well, but at least with my slideshows you're gonna see something entertaining. Seriously! I'm not like everyone else, my shit is rocking!)

....But I digress.

I finally got tired enough to try to go back to sleep, and that damn Meximeal started screwing with my dream cycle. I must have jolted awake about four different times with the feeling that I had just fallen out of a chair. Occasionally, that can be cool, however four times within a three hour period is not. My psyche is all screwed up today.

Anyways, just felt like complaining. Feel free to ignore me.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The other white meat....

So once again, I'm sitting at the treain station bar with nothing better to do while waiting for my train. I just had a semi-deep thought....

Why is it that food organizations feel the need to advertise on tv?

I'm not talking about companies advertising a new form of microwavable mac and cheese, or some sort of can o soup that is good on the go, but rather, meat.

I mean, are they afraid that people are going to forget that pork exists? Are they in competition with chicken? They must be paranoid.

Maybe its just me, but then again, I don't like pork chops...


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Transformers AND GI Joe cartoons online!

Hasbro is offering free Transformer(Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Cybertron), GIJoe, Dueling Masters, and more. online for free. Since Hasbro is the one offering them they are Legal

read more | digg story